Our children learn the customs, traditions, and moral values of Judaism. These lessons are woven naturally through all of our disciplines so that they become both a meaningful and treasured part of each child’s personal milieu.
Each Friday, children participate in challah baking and an interactive Shabbat celebration.
Our children eagerly anticipate holidays such as Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Purim, and Passover and understand how to meaningfully and joyfully participate in each holiday. In addition, each holiday becomes an opportunity for new scientific and cultural experiences and personal discoveries.
Perhaps what is most unique about Gan Camarillo, is our way of making the stories of our Jewish holidays relevant and meaningful to our students. We do not look at our history as a story that remains on the library shelves. We look at the stories as living lessons, where our students can connect with the characters and learn powerful life lessons from them.
For example, during the season of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, we share in the tradition to dip an apple into honey and blow the shofar (a ram's horn). In addition to learning all about apples, honey-bees and how they make honey and about the different kinds of animals with antlers- a big focus becomes “what does it mean to be sweet?” and how can my actions make this a sweet year?
During Chanukah, when it is traditional to light a Menorah in the home, the children not only learn about fire safety, firefighters and how they help our communities; but they also connect with the Maccabee characters, and become part of the story with dramatic play centers, learning first hand what it means to be brave and strong like a maccabee.
This pattern follows our curriculum throughout the year and provides the children with experiences that give them pride in their tradition. At Gan Camarillo Preschool, we carefully select teachers who model and nurture Jewish values such as kindness, friendship, empathy, and respect for the environment and the rights of others.